Internet Marketing and Lead Generation for MMJ Dispensaries and Canna Businesses
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How John Lord went from NZ farmer to the biggest cannabis dealer in Colorado
John Lord once walked into a federal government building with $US2 million ($2.8 million) in cash in his backpack to pay his taxes for the cannabis he …
Ahead of Hash Bash, University and state policy on marijuana called into question
Despite likely marijuana consumption at the event, last year’s Hash Bash … He cited several studies regarding the use of marijuana in Colorado that …
Colorado playing catch-up on pot regulation
For all the work Colorado has done in creating the world’s first regulatory structure for legal marijuana sales, the effort is not finished. Gaping holes …
Oregon Liquor Control Commission asks lawmakers to fund public education campaign on marijuana
Colorado public health officials have spent $5.7 million on a public health campaign targeting marijuana consumers. In Oregon, officials with the liquor …
Why all presidential candidates will make pot policy a priority in 2016
The Cannabist. Denver, Colorado marijuana news, culture, resources … Watch: More videos on YouTube about marijuana in Colorado and beyond.
Marijuana Can Be Sold at Uruguay Pharmacies, but Few Want To
While the plan has been widely applauded globally and seen as going beyond marijuana legislation in the U.S. states of Colorado and Washington, …
Postcards from the edge: The enterprising pioneers of Denver’s legalized pot industry
Pay for the “budtenders” who sell marijuana at the dispensaries starts at $10 an hour, and the Colorado Division of Labor and Employment pegs the …
Gallup Poll: 1 in 8 people use marijuana
“The stigma is very much going away, especially with the tax revenue that the states are bringing in, Washington and Colorado.” Martin said. “It’s hard …