Internet Marketing and Lead Generation for MMJ Dispensaries and Canna Businesses
Want to bring more customers to your marijuana business? Get your MMJ dispensary business found online!
Jessica Spencer: On medical marijuana, vote No
Children in medical marijuana states like California and Colorado are being rushed to the emergency room after unknowingly ingesting pot candy.
Legalize marijuana: America’s oldest war needs to end
According to CNN, Colorado, the first state to legalize marijuana, pulled in $53,000,000 last year in recreational sales tax alone, with $12,000,000 …
Marijuana enters new phase of policy discussions at Colorado Capitol
… unneeded leaves from pot plants, harvesting the plant’s buds to be packaged and sold at Medicine Man marijuana dispensary in Denver on Dec.
I posted a new photo to Facebook
I posted a new photo to Facebook
Alright Karma Fans its that time of the week again for a new Kaption Kontest!! It’s too easy, Just post your best…
Alright Karma Fans its that time of the week again for a new Kaption Kontest!! It’s too easy, Just post your best…
Study finds legalized marijuana does not affect crime or economics
Miron, an author of the study, analyzed data on crime, employment and drug use in four states where marijuana is legal — Colorado, Washington, …
Kandyland – Sativa Dominant $29/8th, $56/7g, $105/14g, $190/oz, $340/2oz
Kandyland – Sativa Dominant $29/8th, $56/7g, $105/14g, $190/oz, $340/2oz
Keith Royal: New marijuana ordinance a critical decision for Nevada County
Additionally, I recently had discussions with a corporate executive for Livwell, the largest marijuana corporation in Colorado, who explained to me that …