Internet Marketing and Lead Generation for MMJ Dispensaries and Canna Businesses
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#mothersmilk: a highly euphoric hybrid, great for daytime & enhanced by #vaping #StrainInfo
#mothersmilk: a highly euphoric hybrid, great for daytime & enhanced by #vaping #StrainInfo
Bill redesigns pot labels, but not products
Each one of these hard candies contains a single dose of marijuana. … KUSA—A proposal to simplify the labels on marijuana sold in Colorado stores …
Kandy Kush
Kandy Kush
Is legal weed in Illinois a pipe dream?
In Colorado alone, the total revenue from marijuana taxes, licenses, and fees reached more than $102 million in the 2014-2015 fiscal year, according …
#FruityPebbles: Light, fruity, and tasty. This indica-dominant hybrid is a good night smoke.
#FruityPebbles: Light, fruity, and tasty. This indica-dominant hybrid is a good night smoke.
Durban Poisin, Secret Stash #2, Elephant Diesel #2, Blaze, and Jilly Bean! What a weedent combination
Durban Poisin, Secret Stash #2, Elephant Diesel #2, Blaze, and Jilly Bean! What a weedent combination
With the constant barometric pressure fluctuation, my joints are killing me this time of year in Colorado. Just 2…
With the constant barometric pressure fluctuation, my joints are killing me this time of year in Colorado. Just 2…
White House hopefuls avoid stirring the pot
WASHINGTON — Early signs indicate that marijuana entrepreneurs may have … “Well, I was told Colorado provided the brownies here today,” Cruz told his … Tom Angell, chairman of the pro-legalization group Marijuana Majority, …