Internet Marketing and Lead Generation for MMJ Dispensaries and Canna Businesses
Want to bring more customers to your marijuana business? Get your MMJ dispensary business found online!
Keep this handy and hang it on the refrigerator! These are our #DailySpecials at our #Medical store in #Boulder…
Keep this handy and hang it on the refrigerator! These are our #DailySpecials at our #Medical store in #Boulder…
Colorado cuts marijuana tax from 10 to 8 percent
An unidentified pot reveler carries a modified version of the state flag of Colorado during activities on the unofficial marijuana holiday Monday, April 20 …
Oregon pot stores sell more than $11 million in first 5 days
“Colorado collected almost $70 million in marijuana taxes during that time, nearly double the $42 million collected from alcohol taxes”, wrote Busu.
Chris Christie Doubles Down On Assertions Regarding Undocumented Immigrants
… that as President, he would “crack down and not permit” marijuana use, including “legalized” marijuana in states like Colorado and Washington.
What Does 2017 Have In Store for the Cannabis Industry?
In fact, Parks and Recreation’s actor Adam Scott has a show in the works with NBC called Buds, a comedy series about a dispensary in Denver.
DEA remains tough on marijuana
Colorado news and weather information from KRDO NewsChannel 13 … 18,000-Plant Marijuana Grow Found in El Paso County – Duration: 1:58.
Activists Work to Reform Marijuana Laws in VA
Nearly two years ago, Washington and Colorado voted to legalize the recreational sale and use of marijuana. Now, activists in other states – including …
Experts have only a hazy idea of marijuana’s myriad health effects, and federal laws are to blame
More than 22 million Americans use some form of marijuana each month, and it’s … There is “substantial evidence” that women who use marijuana during … of cannabis concentrate (often called “dabs”) doubled in Colorado between …