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Trudeau wrong on marijuana
The Colorado Springs Gazette recently reviewed the results of legalization in … Trudeau has ignored problems associated with legalizing marijuana.
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Marijuana legalization debate lights up in Ohio
Supporters for marijuana legalization say that the city of Hamilton’s … to focus on “harder” crimes and following other states such as Colorado and …
California marijuana legalization 2016 campaign launches with Lt. Gov. Newsom
In Colorado, last year retail and medical cannabis totaled $1 billion.” … He then noted on the national deficit and the costs of enforcing marijuana …
PFC Jared Hunter forced to make a shameful choice
Hunter, meantime, is thinking seriously of moving to Colorado or some other marijuana-friendly state. The problem, he said, is that cold weather …
Epileptic girl who moved to Colorado for medical marijuana has dramatically improved, parents say
Epileptic girl who moved to Colorado for medical marijuana has dramatically improved, parents say
Alcohol, tobacco, pot use declining among students
Walsh thinks one reason why so many students smoke marijuana is the national push to legalize it. She cited Colorado, which legalized recreational …
Marijuana-in-schools bill heard in Legislature
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, left, congratulates then-14-year-old Jack Splitt, right, as his mother, Stacey Linn, looks on after the governor …