Internet Marketing and Lead Generation for MMJ Dispensaries and Canna Businesses
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If marijuana is legalized, what then? Area notables weigh in
Issue 3 is a proposed constitutional amendment that would make marijuana legal for adults 21 and older to use, purchase or grow in limited quantities.
Public use of marijuana to be debated during Nevada Legislature session
Colorado and Washington, which both legalized recreational marijuana in 2012, have set precedents for Nevada and other states as medical and …
America to open its first cannabis theme park in South Dakota
Colorado only tolerates a handful of private marijuana clubs and Pro-pot activists are seeking to loosen those restrictions, but for now, we can all goto …
Pesticides at root of Colorado’s biggest pot recall yet
In what has become a recurring theme, the use of banned insecticides during the growing of marijuana is the culprit in this latest recall in Colorado.
Marijuana Grows Up, Targets Mainstream
As Colorado and Washington State’s Recreational Marijuana industries bloom and new markets in Oregon and Alaska take shape, the Ganjapreneurs …
did you know @growingkitchen now makes CBD chill pills? available now at @thefarmco #cbd…
did you know @growingkitchen now makes CBD chill pills? available now at @thefarmco #cbd…
Colorado MMJ via @MarijuanaConnections
THE SALE MUST GO ON!!! We still have some YUMMY MEDICATED CUPCAKES!! Come get one while you can!! 25% off *$119…
One Year Since Legalization, Colorado Is Literally Building Schools With Weed Money
Total sales of recreational weed in Colorado hit a record high in January. Buyers shelled out more than $36 million in 31 days, putting the state’s …